You Might Be a Bad Ass If...

Though you may not initially categorize yourself as a bad ass, you are aware of something inside you that is restless, bored, and demanding attention now...

Could it be your inner bad ass--the wildness and beauty that you used to be...

that you neglected in order to fit in and "be there" for everyone else?

Here are some clues that this may be the case:

You don't quite fit in anywhere. You're different...

Even in you're not really sure just how or why…No matter how hard you try, it seems that everyone else knows something you don't...

You just don't "get" this reality and your head is full of questions.

...But, what if it was YOU that knew something that the rest of the world didn't know?


You feel misunderstood. You just can't seem to get people to really understand or comprehend what it is you're experiencing.

...What if they really can't understand and it's not you that's the problem?


You are hyperemotional.  It seems like you have a million emotions a minute...

Sometimes you feel like you're "all over the place," and you experience a depth and intensity of feelings for which words can't do justice. 

...What if you weren't a "drama queen (or king)," but you were picking up on the feelings of people around you? 


Being around a crowd can wear you out.  Too much stimuli is exhausting and you feel a need to withdraw for awhile, even though you like people.

You're aggravated that you feel tired so often and wish that you were more energetic. 

...What if your highly sensitive nervous system was a gift and you learned to use it for you?


You get bored easily and you've been criticized for being impatient. You've likely received comments on how easily you catch on or pick up on things, or what a knack you have with certain populations or activities...

You might judge yourself for your restlessness, for not sticking with a career or relationship. 

...What if you had capacities that made learning easy and allowed you to move faster than other people? 

...What if the drama in your life was a creation to overcome the boredom and you could choose a better creative outlet?


You feel stuck in a catch-22... It feels that more and more you just can't win.

Where it used to be okay to put your feelings aside and go with the flow in order to keep the peace, you are now becoming acutely aware that you've disappeared from your own life, disconnected from your desires, and it doesn't feel okay anymore... 

So, now faced with the rock and hard place scenario of choosing between alienating people because you won't take "it" anymore or "taking it" and sensing that a little more of you just died you feel stuck. 

...What if you finally reached the point where the ferocious part of you that is dying to live is?

...What if there were infinitely more possibilities available and you were now ready to be daring and get creative with your life?


YOU are a gift to the world. Reclaim your potency and be important to you again... 

Click the button below to get there faster.