4 Ways to Buck the System That Isn't Working

The current system isn’t working. The “powers that be” do not have our best interest in mind. But we are NOT powerless.

Here are 4 ideas to “buck the system” and begin turning the tide and creating a future that will include and work for us all.

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Going Beyond Racism

Separation is "easy" at this point. It's habitual; we don’t have to think about it. But it keeps the underlying causes/problems intact (division, scarcity).

As frivolous as it seems, happiness, love, joy, delight...these are the vibrations that are going to allow us to transcend—to give us access to the creativity to go beyond this polarity and have real, lasting change.

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A Person With No Problems?

It was a "backhanded compliment" ...And it was a GIFT.

Because it showed me that what I'm doing works...and other people can recognize it's working, too.

YOU can have that sparkling moment when you realize that what you are doing IS working (and shows up in a really different way than you thought). 

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13 Things that Love is NOT

We’ve been handed down lies about what love is that it’s not.

It’s time to question what we’ve been handed down and modeled if we are going to turn our dreams of loving and stable relationship into reality.

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Dr. JOYLYN SparklesComment
What is Relationship Remodeling?

Relationship Remodeling is a DIY project that works for you both. When you do the work, you get the confidence that comes from breaking up with your crappy self-image, developing strength, knowing what you want and what to do to make it happen…And, through your work on yourself you (re)discover a kind, caring, sexy-as-hell partner who values you.

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Dr. JOYLYN SparklesComment