Our mission is world happiness.

Step #1: end the cycle of pain; bring laughter and ease to your body, relationships, and our planet.


When our communication isn’t effective we end up feeling misunderstood and alone. If we tune in to our insecurity, we believe our fears are real and we aren’t enough in some way. If we ignore our pain (physical or emotional) it goes deeper until it can be silenced no longer. Our fixation on our struggles—even in effort to end them—or refusal to look at what is really going on, increases our suffering and amplifies our pain, which then causes us to react in hurt and anger, starting a chain reaction:

Hurting people hurt people.

This cycle of violence encompasses the globe…But we can change this.

If we heal the hurt, the pain diminishes and the cycle stops.

Listening, learning to communicate effectively, becoming confident in ourselves eases the tension and heals the pain so laughter can emerge. Laughter is healing for our hearts (and lungs) and the planet. If we can help heal your hurt and bring laughter back to your life, we are indeed changing the world.

Step 2: empower you to come alive, be bold and go for greater.

If you’d like happiness and laughter back in your life, then there is no time to point fingers or wait for someone else to change or take action first. (This is part of Our Philosophy)

“World peace starts at home. It starts with me.”

You have the power to change your life. Your choice to change will inspire others and invite them to change with you…But you won’t know until you take the first step…And you can’t change anything at all if you never make a move.

…YOU’re going to have to take a risk.

Be bold. Do something different. Show up as kindness. Do what makes you feel alive and joyful. Confidence comes through doing. As your confidence grows, you will be inspired by your own actions; you will blossom and become more and more attractive (and badass). Your boldness will inspire others to do the same in their lives and you become a model for your children and other future leaders.


Step #3: help as many people as possible.


We’ve had enough already—enough pain; enough starting and stopping; trying hard and ending up in the same place and having to start all over again; nothing changing; things are taking too long.

It’s time to do something different. It’s time to change what isn’t working. It’s time to speed up our healing.

➢ We do this by working online so we can connect no matter where you are.

➢ We target the root cause so changes last.

➢ We empower each and every client to be their own resource so they don’t have to rely on us long-term.

Our clients become confident, emotionally resilient, vital, and happy people on their own…who then become the source of healing and laughter for others…which allows us to work with new clients and speed the spread of happiness around the world.

Your initial consultation is FREE. We'll talk and find out if we are a good fit and you will get the next steps to move forward⏤to save your marriage and bring laughter back to your love life.

Space is limited to ensure personalized attention to each and every client.

If you have questions, check out the FAQ page.

…or email JOYLYN@ihappentothings.com and we will be happy to answer your questions.

Read more about: Our Philosophy | Benefits of Coaching | Dr. JOYLYN | Testimonials

* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).


I spent most of my life wondering what was wrong with me. I thought there was a reason why I had been abused. I came to believe I lacked whatever “it” was that allowed people to be happy.

“It” was Me. I was missing from my life. Everything I did was based on someone else. I assumed wrongness in me because that was the way I made sense of the abuser's choice to hurt me. I hated my body because I thought it should look like someone else’s. My relationships failed because I tried to be the person I thought the other person wanted. I was depressed because I kept telling myself it wasn’t ok to be me. I was hard to be around because I was so miserable. The only way out I could see was to end my life.

I spent thousands of dollars and countless hours counseling and "processing" my feelings. I gave up gluten and tried a bunch of different diets throughout medical school; but the eating disorder, depression, and toxic relationships persisted. Coaching was the thing that actually worked for me. I’m happy. I like being me. I'm in love. My relationships are healthy…and I’m a lot easier to be around.

I’d like to be a contribution to the world. At the very least, I figure my life can be the Cliff’s Notes to help you get out of your own way. I can help you do the same. I can help you eliminate the insecurity and miscommunication that keeps you (happiness) out of your life. I can help you turn things around and bring laughter back to your love life.

Love. Laughter. Happiness. Health...It’s all connected; we're all connected. I'm here for you whenever you're ready to be #happyAF.

Your initial consultation is FREE. We'll talk and find out if we are a good fit and you will get the next steps to move forward⏤to save your marriage and bring laughter back to your love life.
Space is limited to ensure personalized attention to each and every client.

If you have questions, check out the FAQ page.

…or email JOYLYN@ihappentothings.com and we will be happy to answer your questions.

Read more about: Our Philosophy | Benefits of Coaching | Dr. JOYLYN | Testimonials

* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).

World happiness is certainly a lofty goal, but if you know JOYLYN and have watched some of her videos and talks, sometimes the fastest way to get out of your pain is to aim higher. In fact, looking forward toward a future that excites you is one way to get around and through heartbreak and frustration without having to “process” it or getting lost in the “processing.”

Struggles look and feel big when we focus on them.

Struggles look and feel big when we focus on them.

Things look a lot different when you look at the “big picture.”

Things look a lot different when you look at the “big picture.”


Your initial consultation is FREE. We'll talk and find out if we are a good fit and you will get the next steps to move forward⏤to save your marriage and bring laughter back to your love life.
Space is limited to ensure personalized attention to each and every client.

If you have questions, check out the FAQ page.

…or email JOYLYN@ihappentothings.com and we will be happy to answer your questions.

Read more about: Our Philosophy | Benefits of Coaching | Dr. JOYLYN | Testimonials

* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).

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We do more than just target problem behaviors. Our process includes finding the actual root CAUSE—the unconscious, hidden patterns that undermine your confidence and sabotage relationship success. This is how we’ve helped so many people get changes that last when other methods didn’t work.



Most work with relationships focuses on the problem and the past that created it, but this actually keeps you stuck in that very same problem. Changing your focus to the future immediately gets you out of your stuck spot, gives the motivation you need to move forward, and dramatically shortens the distance between where you are and where you’d like to be.



Despite how you might feel right now, you are not “broken” and it IS possible to turn your relationship around. You’ve got what it takes to save your marriage and bring laughter back to your love life, and our coaching will give you the confidence and tools to believe in yourself and do just that.



Resolving the patterns that sabotage relationships does not have to be difficult or take a long time. Coaching includes simple, targeted changes to improve confidence and communication habits, along with coaching to release buried or hidden trauma and outdated points of view—“baggage”— to confront detrimental patterns head on. My clients often see improvements within days to weeks, not months or years.

Your initial consultation is FREE. We'll talk and find out if we are a good fit and you will get the next steps to move forward⏤to save your marriage and bring laughter back to your love life.
Space is limited to ensure personalized attention to each and every client.

If you have questions, check out the FAQ page.

…or email JOYLYN@ihappentothings.com and we will be happy to answer your questions.

Read more about: Our Philosophy | Benefits of Coaching | Dr. JOYLYN | Testimonials

* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).

Your initial consultation is FREE. We'll talk and find out if we are a good fit and you will get the next steps to move forward⏤to save your marriage and bring laughter back to your love life.
Space is limited to ensure personalized attention to each and every client.

If you have questions, check out the FAQ page.

…or email JOYLYN@ihappentothings.com and we will be happy to answer your questions.

Read more about: Our Philosophy | Benefits of Coaching | Dr. JOYLYN | Testimonials

* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).