The Power of the Subconscious

The subconscious is not bad.

It is just incomplete and the damage that it causes is due to incomplete understanding.  Like electricity, we have to understand the basics of how it works in order to be able to make it useful and beneficial.

Electricity is just energy. It is a natural phenomenon that happens when free electrons are able to move to an area of greater concentration to lesser concentration. It’s amazing what those tiny little sub-atomic particles can do! …and how bad they can hurt and the collateral damage that’s caused when they are able to move undirected.

Our subconscious is very similar in that it is a natural phenomenon—the physical manifestation of our divine spirit enlivening and emerging through the mechanisms and structures of our magnificent brains. The subconscious, even the Ego part of that system, is phenomenal. The badness and misfortune that we experience in it’s name comes from an incomplete understanding of how it functions and so we get “burned.”



Like electricity, the subconscious is just power that needs direction. To be able use this power FOR you, you’ve got to know how it is generated and where and how to direct this power.

1. Generation. Electricity is generated from the flow of electrons. That means that there is an outside source of electrons and something that makes them move between positive to negative nodes. The energy of our subconscious comes from Source. This Source is called by many names including God, Universe, Spirit, etc. And when this Source consciousness moves through us, in, with, and through the physical structures of our brains to create thought, Ego, and survival mechanisms (including functional ones like breathing, eliminating, etc).

This means we need to connect to Source in order to be alive and have energy and function at all. It is the SUPERCONSCIOUS that is the (best) mover and inexhaustible supply.

2. Movement. The usefulness and value of electricity is derived from flow. Harnessing the power from the flow of electrons is how it powers things like cars and lights.  These things are turned on when electrons flow to and through them; they are “off” when the flow stops.

The same is true of us. There’s been a great deal of research into the power of “flow states.” When we are animated and moving in and with Spirit we are in flow, powerful, turned on, sexy and powerful as hell. We feel “off” when the flow stops and we are out of sync with ourselves and our Source. We get fatigued and stressed.

**though flow states as researched and studied are not meant to be continuous states, they are a useful example; and overall increased productivity, improvement in mood and quality of life is achieved and exhibited when one is connected to her/himself—making choice based on intuition, making choices that are inclusive, and listening to the body and using it as a tool for staying in the present moment.

3. Trouble. Problems come when there is either too little or too much electricity in a system—too little and things won’t “go;” too much and the circuits are fried.  This is the same for us Divine physical beings. If we are disconnected from Source we get depressed (and all the stress, anxiety, discord, hostility that comes in the downward spiral to this end).  And though it is much less common, when we are “too” connected to Source we disregard our physical bodies and responsibilities and our connections with others (including money) will disintegrate and our ability to impact and benefit the world decreases with our withdrawal from it.

Trouble also comes from an inability to “reign in,” harness, or direct the raw power. With electricity this is done by using conductors and resisters to direct the flow and keep it in a specific range and area. There are switches to control when there is flow; and there is grounding mechanisms to protect the circuits.

We have the same ability to harness the raw power of our subconscious mind. When we can use our conscious mind, the part of us that is aware, to direct the flow. We can choose our intentions for our lives, to select targets and goals that we would like to enjoy (Future Forward Focus ™!), and use tools to ground ourselves when we are overwhelmed and to discharge excess energy (breathing, EFT tapping, Somatic releasing and other stress modulating activities, and walking in Nature and other repleting activities).  In paying attention to our moods, energy levels, tone of voice, content of our thoughts and the inner voice we can use these tools to improve our states and quality of life and relationships, ie. To connect and direct the energy of Source into our lives.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The subconscious is not bad and the Ego is not your enemy. It is a product and function of your physicality and it is a gift that is functioning to keep you alive so that you can carry out and bring the gift of your life—your consciousness, ideas, choices, and experiences into the world.


Power without direction is dangerous (though the display can be quite spectacular—picture of lightning). You need a Source and a direction in order to harness the power of your Subconscious and get it working for you.

**There’s good news here in that this reality is polar in nature. There are so many polarizing factors at play that the space in which for you to flow is already available. Just by living here on this planet at this time there is positive and negative states to choose and move between at all times. This might be confusing to live in, and a temptation to then classify YOU or a choice you make as positive or negative, but what is actually true is that YOU are the consciousness that is moving, the positive and negative are just labels and body sensations you will feel that will inform you of how to direct your attention to get into flow and feel better, create and achieve more.

It is also the nature of the Universe to expand, grow, bring organization to chaos (chaos not being bad, but the generative goo that is Universal Consciousness that organizes itself into distinct things/being/systems that we get to witness, observe, participate in, and happen to and as.

Bottom line: You don’t have to TRY. There is no right or wrong. All you ever have to do is just have to be alive and you are going to evolve. However, to the extent that you are willing to be aware, take responsibility and direct your attention and make choices that are generative to more/greater/expansive is the extent to which your evolutionary journey will be fun (v. Stressful). The pleasantness and speed of your process is up to you and your willingness to reduce resistance to the flow.

What does that mean, really? It means that we have to become aware of our thoughts so that we can direct them. We have to become aware of our bodies and emotions because they are generated from our thoughts and will inform and drive our thoughts (it’s called a cybernetic loop). It means we have to ensure connection and increase our conductivity/release resistance to Source so It can flow through us with greater ease. And we have to know how to direct the energy into our lives.

So we have to tap into the Superconscious and use our conscious thinking mind to direct the subconscious.

➣➣➣Set your intention, your target. This is the Future Forward Focus ™ that is the foundation of all the HAPPINESS clinic coaching and programs. A great question to use is:

How do I want to show up here?

Once you set your target and create a direction, the ways and places that energy is moving out of system—incongruent—will become apparent. This will come in a myriad of different ways, mostly involving tough relationship dynamics (like boundary issues and trauma patterns), unfortunate life situations, and bodily symptoms. It is not things getting worse, but finally attention and awareness coming to places in our bodies and lives where our energy is not moving in line in the direction of our target and how we really want to show up in our lives.

So the next step is a combination of releasing resistance to this process, releasing our hold on limiting beliefs, expectations, and relationships that are an impediment to our flow; and learning new skills so that we can become more conductive.

There are so many tools one can use (abundance is the Universal law). It can be overwhelming.

If you are unsure where to start or would like help in mastering a certain tool or aspect of your evolutionary process, let’s talk.

I have designed several programs to help you go from Unstuck to #happyAF. Go here to learn more or schedule a call for clarity to determine a right fit for you.