Resolutions are out. Rhymes are in.

Do you feel like you're already behind?

...This is my reminder to you that you’re not. You can’t be. It’s not even possible, regardless of how many emails, blogs, social media posts about a new year, new you, new start might lead you to believe that you are.

Like a lot of things, resolutions in and of themselves are great, but as conventionally used have become an instrument to judge and punish ourselves with.

So, this is your invitation to set that "I'm behind" down— that is just an old story that won't work this year (or any year). 

It's time to put feeling behind behind.

...because it doesn't motivate; it stresses—and moves us to cope and compensate (becoming "junk in our trunk" and sticking to our behind, if you know what I mean)—instead of powerfully and deliberately choosing what is good for us and our future.


This New Year and Next Version of YOU is a newborn that just arrived yesterday. 

You don't have to have it all figured out at once. 

...And doing or expecting too much too soon, reacting to feeling behind, is a recipe for injury and early burnout.

Try this instead:
Create a rhyme that will attract the energy that you would like for your 2023 AND beyond.

Rhymes are fun and easy to remember, so they "stick"—and the're sticky—they attract. 

I've got two ideas that I'm working with, that you are welcome to use or modify for yourself, as well: 

Choosing what is good for me in 2023 so I can SOAR in 2024.


Grow up and Show up in 2023 so I can SOAR in 2024.

"Choosing what is good for me in 2023" is one of my HAPPINESS Brain Training targets for this first run this year. It’s something I aim to improve, as it’s been something I have struggled with in the past, especially in relationships—with other people and with my body. This is also something we will explore in depth in the Love Your Cells program.

"Grow up and Show up" is my acknowledgment of the areas of my life where I haven't been choosing as the adult me; where I've continued acting out the wounded child. This rhyme also acknowledges the tremendous amount of growth and transformation that has taken place "beneath the surface"...and it's time to bring it forward, grow UP and be visible.

I added the part of 2024 when I saw 2 hawks soaring in the sky on a walk New Year's Day and I thought: "I want to be that." 

...Finally learning to love myself with patience—not expecting everything to happen instantaneously (so I don't feel frustrated and already behind like I have most of my life)—I put my Future Forward with next year in mind.

Resolutions are out. Rhymes are in.

These tools aren't for fools.

You've got what you need, to be swell, indeed.

And get Sparkles on your side for an easier ride as you turn your tide and generate more anandamide.

...Yes, I love rhymes....Like all of the times.


Now you try...

Please share your rhyme(s) in the HAPPINESS clinic group on Facebook. Your share may be the rhyme that changes another's life—a "two-fer" —How super! (that's an approximate rhyme).

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