4 Ways to Buck the System That Isn't Working

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My husband posted on Facebook this morning: “The current system isn’t working.

I don’t think anyone would disagree.

…but this is where I think so many conversations begin and end; a complaint with no proposed solution.

To be fair, the “system,” the problem seems so big, where does one even start? What can you or I do to actually change it?

…Things like term limits for Congress, pay caps for legislators and CEOs—these things would have to be voted into effect by those who benefit, so it seems about as close to impossible as one could imagine.

So what then? Are we just stuck with this? Is there anything we can do?

If you have read anything that I’ve written, watched any of my videos on YouTube or Facebook Live, or listen to the HAPPINESS clinic podcast, you know that I can’t let the conversation stop there with us powerless.

Pragmatics make things possible. Creativity empowers…So what is available? What can we do?

4 Ways to “Be The Change You’d Like To See In The World”

1. Recognize that what we keep fighting: racism, sexism, misogeny, etc are all SYMPTOMS.

Inequality, the giant chasm between rich and poor is the underlying factor. When we divide ourselves on these issues we are just fighting for scraps. We have to step back and see the bigger picture and “keep our eye on the prize” which is a culture and economy that has a more equal distribution of wealth. To recognize that power is a responsibility and if one has it to use it in a way that lifts, not holds another down.

2. Being willing to be uncomfortable means actually “putting our money where our mouth is”

and divesting from corrupt corporations: Wells Fargo, Facebook, Amazon, any health insurance company.

3. Learn about your body and natural health remedies.

It sounds weird, but Big Pharma and health insurance profit off of your ignorance and fear.  (Want to learn more? Email or text me for a naturopathic consultation or health education session.)

4. Look to what brings you JOY.

Again, counterintuitive, but “where your attention goes, energy flows” so if all of our attention is going to the “problem,” even if to fix it, the problem is energized. We need to tune into what brings JOY to ourselves and our lives. Real joy, not just the “picture” of success or what we think happiness *looks* like. When we are happy, joyful, have gratitude, we are less manipulable and consumer driven.

This is my first round of ideas. There IS something we can do—it’s just asking for those ideas to show up and taking action when they do.

The system isn’t working—that is true…but WE ARE NOT POWERLESS. It’s time to know that; stop waiting for someone else to do something.

Would you like to work with me? Let’s talk about what is going on for you and find out what is available to create a life that works for you—more confidence, more joy, #happyAF.