Going Beyond Racism

How many more times do we have to play out the same f*ng scenario (separation. division. polarity) before we actually get that we are puppets on a string?

It was #metoo, woman v. man; then it was corona virus stay in v. go out; then mask v. no mask; now white v. black.

As long as we are divided we are conquered. We cannot connect on a polarizing issue, whether for or against.

"Anti-racism is just going to bring more racism because that is how energy works—”for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” and “we cannot solve the problem on the same level which created it” (paraphrasing Newton and Einstein, respectively). Anti-anything will only create more of the "anything” because the “anything” is the point of reference. We have to get off the line, out of polarity, or we will just be swinging between opposites endlessly.


Don't get me wrong. This is NOT spiritual bypassing and just looking to feel good. Because if you've wanted to transcend and tried for 5 minutes, you know all the shit that's held you back is in your face…To transcend racism, misogeny, poverty, you name it—anywhere/everywhere we've participated in it (in any lifetime) is going to show up.

It is showing up now.

Let's release it. Let it go…And do something different.


LISTENING—being a space of no judgment— is what we all need right now.

There is some fear that no one seems to have a space that feels safe enough to explore or share. This space is only available from/by the people who have healed enough who can listen without reacting.

We have to learn to listen to our own fear and hurt and know it will not consume us. We have to see it, see the it is not us, and step away from it. We do this through experience and practice—of being listened to by another and learning to give ourselves this same space. Then we can offer that same space to others that are hurting and be an agent of healing for them.

Listening is something we can do
 RIGHT NOW    as an individual     that will actually work  
to address the core of the issue (division, polarity, and scarcity).


As we develop the ability to listen, we must then change the conversation.

We have to start a new dialogue, a new conversation.

…It's going to be awkward as hell because we've been doing this pendulum swing for so long. 

Here's what we can connect on: I'm a person. You're a person. We have ideas of what we'd like as a future.
I've had heart break. I've been scared. I've been harmed by someone who said they cared for me. I've had people cover up and cover for the person that hurt me because they didn't want to rock the boat or have an uncomfortable conversation. I've been the victim and then used that label to give me a break from having to face some harsh realities about myself and what I was choosing for myself that was getting in the way of me realizing my potential and being happy.

None of those things were because of my skin color, that is true. But the experience is the same. The process is the same.

It is only the narrative (the story we graft on to the experience) that differs and ensures our separation. 

Separation is "easy" at this point. It's habitual; we don’t have to think about it. But it keeps the underlying causes/problems intact (division, scarcity).

Connection and communion is what our souls truly crave. We really are One and our hearts’ desire to contribute to one another. Yet it's something we have the least experience with.

Please don't make me live your life in order to be there for you. Please do not require that I am enraged to prove it. 

I am angry. I am looking for action. But I will no longer sink into the depths of despair, hatred, rage, depression...all of those make me manipulable and ineffective. Me being unhappy does not help the situation for anyone. It actually makes me less likely to think of or act effectively.

As frivolous as it seems, happiness, love, joy, delight...these are the vibrations that are going to allow us to transcend—to give us access to the creativity to go beyond this polarity and have real, lasting change.

I am here. I am doing my “work” to heal so that I can expand my capacity to hold space for you and to witness your pain without reacting. I will never make a joke of your pain and I will do my absolute best to not rush you into or out of an emotion for my sake or comfort. I WANT to be here for you, to be a source for your healing, the healing of the world and of the planet.

So, if you've read this far, here is what I'd like to do for me personally:

I am a relationship coach. I do a 90 Day Relationship Remodel with individuals that would like to transcend some of their "stuff"—to let go of their baggage in order to lighten their load, their mood, and move with greater ease to the future of their desire. I will help you learn to be selfish to be self-less—to heal and fill your heart first so that you are resourced and able to be there for another. I will help you heal so that the cycle of pain and violence can stop with you and the ripple of joy and calm can emanate from YOU.

This is what I do for love and for work. I would be very honored to gift this program to a person of color who could not or would not know this is available otherwise. FREE. GRATIS. A GIFT because I would like to do *something* to ease the pain of now.

If you are or know someone that would be interested and could benefit from working with me, please message me.

(Disclaimer: I still have to do the intro call and make sure we are a good fit--this isn't a one-size-fits-all program)

I, the HAPPINESS clinic, we would like to be a source and reminder that happiness is an option and that it is a bold and audacious choice to be happy anyway (not because of, not in spite of, but also/even though).